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Professional Document Translation Services – Machine versus Human

multilingual ediscovery translation services

Human Translation Services Trusted by Attorneys

We’ve blogged about human translation services versus machine translation in the context of e-Discovery, and about challenging computer generated foreign language translations.

In a contest between machines, computer-assisted programs and humans in the area of translation of words from one language to another, the human will always win. No machine or sophisticated computer translation program can match the very human element of recognizing satire, irony, cultural and linguistic factors and even the many different meanings of words as in the English language. Words like bank, book and hand are all used both as verbs and nouns, and only a human could decipher the correct form on the first pass.

Machines and computers are good for down and dirty quick translations that hit the essence of the paragraph (possibly) and the literal word for word meanings. Computer-assisted programs have come a long way, and used in conjunction with a human being who can make needed adjustments and changes are a far better choice over the first machine translators developed in the 1950s.

However, in today’s rapid business paced world, with the internet and the ability to reach out to continents all over the world, professional translation service is a must-have for savvy corporate buyers. Professional document translations produced by human translators focus on comprehension and producing perfect target text for business documents and presentations. This presents an intelligent and superior image for a company’s brand.

Gone are the days when translators were imprisoned or executed for giving translations that were not in good favor. Machine and computer translations are sometimes distorted, and possibly wrong, but when the human element is factored in, and experienced translators are utilized, most corporate, technical, medical or legal documents will convey the proper meanings.



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