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Chinese Translation and Doing Business with China

Professional Chinese-English and English-Chinese language translation and interpreting services play an important role in international business. One common complaint of American companies doing business with a Chinese company is not getting what they paid for. For example, the American company pays a significant sum for a product from a Chinese company and, in return, gets either nothing or a faulty product. Typically, the US company never actually sees the Chinese company but simply conducts the transaction virtually, wiring the money overseas. So, if this is you, what do you do?

Start by reviewing all documents in the case and write a demand letter to the Chinese company. This letter should be in Chinese, so a foreign language translation will be required.

A second option is to hire an attorney in the area the company is located. If the Chinese lawyer’s English is not up to par, hiring a foreign language interpreter will also be needed.

A third option is to file an action in the US and attempt to attach company assets located in the US. This too will require a foreign language translation of the original notice.

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