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Legal Translation, Translator’s Affidavit, Translated Documents in a Texas Case, and Legal Translators for Attorneys in Denver, CO, and Elsewhere

We’ve blogged about admitting translated documents accompanied by the Translator’s Affidavit, based on the Texas example. .As previously discussed, Texas law requires a specific timeframe for filing the use of Mexican law in a Texas case, particularly as to the foreign language translation of the foreign law.

How did this decision happen? Another Texas Rule of Evidence must be read in conjunction with Rule 203.

Rule 1009 provides for the translation of foreign language documents. It specifies “A translation of foreign language documents shall be admissible upon the affidavit of a qualified translator setting forth the qualifications of the translator and certifying that the translation is fair and accurate. Such affidavit, along with the translation and the underlying foreign language documents, shall be served upon all parties at least 45 days prior to the date of trial.”

The moral of the story is to carefully read all of a state’s rules of evidence regarding the admission of foreign language documents to properly have the courts accept all the required evidence.

To read our legal translation and court interpretation blog post “What Trial Lawyers and Litigators Should Expect from a Deposition Interpreter”, click here.

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