
What Trial Lawyers Should Expect from Deposition Interpreters

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Deposition Interpreting Services for Lawyers

How can lawyers sense that they’ve been given a chance to work with an excellent deposition interpreter?  When in the deposition process do the deposing attorneys stop wondering: “What if this deposition interpreter, or this on-site legal translator is just so-so”?  What should our clients- attorneys-at-law and law firms that retain our legal deposition translation company- expect from the deposition interpreters we provide?  The answer to these questions may surprise you.  It lies in the unimpeded flow of the interpreted deposition.

An acquaintance of mine is a New York lawyer with over 25 years of litigation experience. During that time, he’s handled over 1,000 depositions; more than 50 of those depositions have involved foreign language interpreters. The other days he said something profound: “What you are looking for is an interpreter who essentially becomes transparent during the deposition. You hardly notice the interpreter at work, and the flow of your deposition proceeds unimpeded.”

 In addition to the obvious- complete fluency in the two languages (English and the foreign language spoken by the deponent); great consecutive (sequential) interpreting skills and the ability to appear transparent during the interpreted deposition, qualified deposition interpreters should strictly abide by the ten canons of the Interpreter’s Code of Professional Responsibility (the exact name of the Code and its text varies from state to state).  They are: accuracy and completeness; representation of qualifications; impartiality and avoidance of conflict of interest; professional demeanor; confidentiality; restriction of public comment; scope of practice; assessing and reporting impediments to performance; duty to report ethical violations; and professional development.

To ensure a more rewarding cross-cultural deposition experience and to experience the unimpeded deposition flow, reserve services of a competent deposition interpreter well in advance.  And avoid dealing with unqualified untrained individuals who may pose as aspiring interpreters, and stay away from the bilinguals who are the interested persons.

Contact our legal interpretation company to hire world-class Japanese deposition interpreters, world-class Mandarin deposition interpretersRussian deposition interpreters, and world-class legal interpreters specializing in other foreign languages for your next in-person or remote telephone or video deposition via Zoom in the U.S., or abroad.

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Up Next: What Attorneys Should Know about Different Modes of Court Interpreting to Work with Court Interpreters More Effectively